What is welding

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What is welding?



Mobile onsite welding services, coving an 80 mile radius from Cambridge
no traveling feesTraveling fees added, if further than 80 miles

Mobile onsite coded welding services UK

What is Welding?
Welding Techniques
Welding Tips and Tricks


34 years of welding, engineering and construction experience

Experienced, proficient,
onsite mobile welder.

Solving all your
welding problems

Deon van Rooyen

Coded Welder

Mobile onsite coded welder - we come to you

Mob: 07745775212
  Tel: 03336663213

I very seldom go out to a client to look at their welding requirements.
My approach to work is
"nothing is a problem"

What is welding?

Welding is the fusion/bonding/melting of two metals to each other making use of modern technology using electricity running through a machine called a welder.
Starting off with the description of an ARC welder, or MMA as it is also called, very similar in principal to a MIG welding machine, which will be covered.
An ARC welder uses what is called an electrode, welding rod, clamped in a holder, which is a thin steel wire (common sizes varying in thicknesses from 2 – 5mm) coated with what is a called a flux core around the wire. (This flux is to combat against oxidation around the area while being welded, plus it adds to the welding rod material composition). The welding rod tip melts as the rod comes into contact with the metal area to be welded. There are 2 heavy cables coming from an arc welder. One going to the welding rod holder, the other is called the earth cable, connected to the work piece to be welded. The cable outlets on the welding machine will be marked + or - . Positive or negative. Welding rods will specify how to set up your welding machine and also give you the range of amperage to work within. You will normally find earth to be the positive but always check the welding rod box for information.

Melting temperatures of steel when welding are in excess of 16000 C

Welding techniques are a form of art

To be able to weld proficiently takes a lot of dedication and practice. There are many tricks in being able to guide the molten metal in your control to flow evenly and precisely to gain full strength of the metal to be joined together.

There are many factors to take into consideration.
For instance:

·        The thickness of the material to be welded

·        Choice of welding rod size and type for the application

·        Welding amperage settings for each application

·        Different types of metal to be welded and choosing the appropriate
         welding machine for the application

·        The welding of dissimilar metals together and what welding rods to use

·        The technique of welding two materials of dissimilar thicknesses
         together and how to guide the heat away from the thinner material

·        Weld weaving. Different techniques and effects

·        How to gain maximum strength through optimum penetration when
         welding two materials together

·        How to strengthen a join by adding plates and where to place them

·        How to avoid undercut when welding, plus, how to rectify undercut
         after it has occurred

·        How to avoid pin holes in your weld (constantly watching the weld
and how to get rid of pin holes effectively so as not to
         compromise the strength of the weld

·        How to avoid gaps in a weld and how to fix them if they do occur
         without causing any detrimental effect on the strength of the weld

·        Welding slightly downhill (using gravity to your advantage) rather than
         welding uphill, and the benefits

·        The angle of a welding rod to the area to be welded is crucial, and the
         different effects achieved by changing the angle of the welding rod

·        Distance of welding rod from welding pool and how to gain fine control
         of the weld pool temperature

·        Weld weaving techniques

·        Horizontal welding – push or pull?

·        Vertical up welding techniques – Triangle/Christmas tree technique

·        Vertical down welding techniques

·        Upside down welding

·        How to counteract distortion of materials through heat

·        Preparation of material before welding commences

·        Advantages and disadvantages over ARC/MMA versus MIG welding

The different types of welding machines

I specialise in mobile onsite welding. Travelling to my customers to solve the welding problems for them. Most of my work involves coded structural welding and water, gas an oil pipe welding plus numerous other welding activities such as aluminium welding of motor cycle accident repairs, bicycle welding repairs, cast iron welding repairs, stainless steel welding.

I have found over the past years most of the work I do on construction sites call for the use of ARC/MMA welding. MIG welding is not practical on construction sites because of the elements of winds blowing the argon gas away from the working area which causes bubbles in the weld because of oxygen getting into the area being welded, which in turn will compromise the strength of the weld. 

Onsite mobile aluminium welder,
London, Cambridgeshire and surrounding areas

Mobile onsite coded welder, welding aluminium, stainless steel,....all metals

I offer a mobile on-site welding service in Cambridge - London and surrounding areas. I have worked as a sub contractor for numerous construction companies in and around London and Cambridgeshire areas.

Experienced, proficient on site mobile welder. I have over 34 years of welding experience (I started back in 1972 at technical college learning the basics of arc welding) working on construction sites erecting/welding steel structures, to basic welding work. I have all the latest inverter technology welding equipment from MIG and TIG welders to arc/stick welder (dual voltage 110 - 240 volt machines to comply with health and safety regulations on building sites) to oxy acetylene cutting torch. I also have a current IPAF or PAL - Powered Access License. Types; 3a 3b. (Cherry picker operator license.) I have full public liability insurance cover. See proof and details of cover below. I am based just outside Cambridge but work mostly in London. I cover other surrounding locations within an 80 mile radius from Cambridge.


34 years of welding, engineering and construction experience
Reliable and friendly, mobile onsite coded welding services
in Cambridge and London surrounding areas

I cover a wide range working within an 80 mile radius of Cambridge offering my mobile onsite coded welding services in areas such as Cambridgeshire to Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire and in towns/cities such as Cambridge to Huntingdon, Royston, Bury St Edmunds, Bedford, Peterborough, Milton Keynes, St Noets, St Ives, Stevenage, St Albans, Luton, London, South London, Staines, Ipswich, Norwich and numerous others not mentioned.

MIG, TIG and Arc/MMA welding, Stick welding -
mobile on site welder service

Oxy acetylene cutting services in Cambridge

Plasma Cutting Services in Cambridge, London and surrounding areas

Contact: Deon van Rooyen
Tel:  0333 666 3213
Mob: 07745 775 212

Prompt, Accurate, Affordable & Friendly Welding Service

Operating in Cambridge, London, plus outlying areas

Mobile onsite coded welding insurance

Higos Insurance Services Ltd - Public Liability Insurance

Public Liability : £2,000,000

Insurance cover under -
Deon van Rooyen t/a
All Metal Welding Services

We have full public liability insurance cover

The importance of using a company with the correct insurance cover.

Policy no. 10771543

I have worked closely with Durkan Construction site managers on various construction sites in and around London solving a wide range of problems. Because of my extensive engineering background over the years I apply my experience in the construction industry to solve various problems.

All forms of metal work, welding and engineering undertaken


  • Aluminium Fabrication and InstallationMobile onsite welder in Cambridgeshire and London

  • Bespoke aluminium onsite gutter fabrication

  • Mobile On-site Coded Welding Services

  • Metal Fabrication and Installations

  • Stainless Steel Fabrication and Installation

  • Stainless steel welding

  • Mobile on site coded welder

  • Oxy acetylene cutting facilities (65mm cut done on the Staines project shown above)

  • Onsite Plasma cutting facilities. 15mm mild steel and 10mm stainless steel cutting capability.

Our company is based in Cambridge but the majority of our work is undertaken in and around London. 

All our welding equipment items are dual voltage 110 - 240v to comply with construction site health and safety regulations and standards.

Light weight dual voltage 110 - 240v TIG welding machine

This is one of our light weight, dual voltage, latest inverter technology TIG welding machines to weld thin steel, aluminium and stainless steel as-well-as TIG brasing.

Using the correct machine for each welding application

We carry 3 different types of dual voltage welding machines with us at all times, including a portable welder/generator in the event of not having electricity on site.

  • MIG welding machine
  • TIG welding machine
  • Stick/ARC/MMA welding machine


Oxy acetylene cutting and Dual voltage plasma cutter

The reason for having a variety of machines available is to achieve the best results. Each welding application is different and requires a different approach/welding machine and technique to solve the problem.

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About Deon van Rooyen

Welding classes

Welder Training Reviews
316 Stainless Steel Welding

Aluminum welder Cambridge

What is Welding?
Building a Suspended Jetty

London-Staines Project

About-Welder Services

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 Aluminium welding services Cambridge and London

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Aluminium car welding repair services London and surounding areas

Mobile aluminum car welder

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Mobile motorcycle aluminium welding repair services

Mobile motorcycle aluminium welding repair services

Aluminium welding companies. Aluminium mobile welders near me. Aluminium welding repairs. Mobile Aluminum Welding

Aluminium bicycle welding repairs

Arc, MIG + TIG aluminium and TIG stainless steel welding courses. 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About Deon van Rooyen


Deon van Rooyen

24 Gastein Road, Hammersmith, W68LU, London

Tel: 0333 666 3213
Mob: 07745775212


Aluminum welding repair specialist - London

Aluminium welding repairs to almost anything. From Bicyles to motor cycles - Porsche, Ferrari, Lamborghini .. Aluminium mobile welders near me. Mobile Aluminum Welding

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Coded mobile onsite structural welder
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Deon van Rooyen

Qualified welder training through City & Guilds welding training

Award in Welding Skills
Qualified Welder

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Aluminum car welding specialist. Aluminium vehicle welding services.

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Mobile Onsite welding services welding aluminium, stainless steel.....all metal welding services

Cracked Bike Frame - mobile welding services, coving a 20 mile radius from Hammersmith, London
no traveling feesTraveling fees added, if further than 20 miles from Hammersmith, W68LU

Covering areas around UK:
London, West London,
North London, Luton, Baldock, Stevenage, Bishop's Stortford, Cambridge, Harlow .....


Copyright 2025 © AllMetalWeldingServices.co.uk


Deon van Rooyen t/a All Metal Welding Services
24 Gastein Road, Hammersmith, W68LU, London, UK

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