Please take extra note of these next steps. Very important:
While'st welding, always keep yourself as steady as possible so as not to sway around. In order to succesfully produce good looking welds, you need to steady yourself by either leaning and placing your leg, or shoulder, arm... or any part of your body against something to steady yourself. Or, alternatively, use your left hand, (if your are right handed), to rest your hand or elbow on the work bench or somewhere and touch your right arm, creating a support to steady your right arm as much as posibble.
We are emphasising the importance of controlling the movements of your welding.
Welding movements need to be very precise and accurate in order to be a very good and successful welder.
The welding movements are very subtle, but accurate and precise, to achieve good results.
We walk you through a single welding video clip, over and over again, to show and point out little subtle movements, which make a substantial difference to your welding results.

This image shows a bad MIG weld where oxygen has crept in and contaminated the weld. The oxygen creates bubbles in the weld which weaken and compromises the strength of the weld.
When this occurs, you need to grind or cut the weld out completely, and start again.
This seldom happens with Arc welding, because the gas is instantly created and present at all times.

MIG welding however is susceptable to this happening occasionally. If you have wind blowing around you it will more than likely blows the argon gas away.
Or, if you happen to run out of gas.
Also, if the gas flow-rate is not set high enough, or if you happen to pull the MIG welding torch away too far from the welding puddle.
It could also happen if the angle of the welding torch is incorrect plus moving in the wrong direction but, this will all be explained in detail later on in the course, to prevent it from happening to you.
Discover all the information needed to become a
proficient welder in our Weldin1Day course.
Introductory price offer for only $297 US
That's 50% off the original price.
We had our minds set on $594 for the long months
of hard work structuring this valuable
and useful information together.
Price increase to $594
once the offer is over.
You are welcome to leave your details to contact you
once the course is completed.
Here is some free information to get you started:
1. Weld in 1 Day introduction.
2. Arc Eys - H&S
3. Stick welding vs Mig welding
4. Welder Shielding Gas
5. Best Beginner Welder + Preparation
6. Best Welders for Beginners
7. MIG and Arc Setup
Cracked motorcycle crankcase repairs
Welding course material.
8. Weave straight line welding.
9. How to MIG weld successfully.
10. How to Arc weld successfully.
11. How to vertical up weld. MIG & Arc.

Weld in 1 Day™ Weld in 1 Day©