2. Arc Eye - Welding Health & Safety
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Here is some free information to get you started:
1. Weld in 1 Day introduction.
2. Arc Eys - H&S
3. Stick welding vs Mig welding
4. Welder Shielding Gas
5. Best Beginner Welder + Preparation
6. Best Welders for Beginners
7. MIG and Arc Setup
Cracked motorcycle crankcase repairs
Welding course material.
8. Weave straight line welding.
9. How to MIG weld successfully.
10. How to Arc weld successfully.
11. How to vertical up weld. MIG & Arc.
Arc Eye - Welding Health & Safety
What is, Arc eyes?
One of the most common health hazards of welding would be what's called, arc eyes, but referred to in other terms too like ...
Arc eyes. Arc eye.
Welders flash, welding eye burn,
flash burning, flash burn eye.

Image is from blogarama.com/medicine-and-remedies
40 Best Natural Remedies For Bloodshot Eye
Arc eyes is caused by acidentally looking at the bright light flash, when you strick the welding arc.
You must do your best at avoiding this from happening. You do not want to experience having arc eyes. You wake up the next day feeling like someone has put sand in your eyes. A very unpleasant and painful experience and will cause damage to your eyes if it keeps happening.
Some of the wording in this presentation comes from the link below, where you will find ways of treating arc eyes.
A flash burn is a painful inflammation of the cornea, which is the clear tissue that covers the front of the eye. A flash burn occurs when you are exposed to bright ultraviolet (UV) light. It can be caused by all types of UV light, but welding torches are the most common source. That’s why it’s sometimes called ‘welder’s flash’ or ‘arc eye’.
Flash burns are like sunburn in the eye and can affect both your eyes. Your cornea can repair itself in one to two days, and usually heals without leaving a scar. However, if the flash burn is not treated, an infection may start. This can be serious and may lead to some loss of vision.
What are the symptoms of "Arc Eye"?
pain - ranging from a mild feeling of pressure in the eyes to intense pain in severe instances.
Tearing and reddening of the eye and membranes around the eye (bloodshot) sensation of "sand in the eye" abnormal sensitivity to light.
Inability to look at light sources (photophobia)
That's why health and safety standards insist on having what's called welding curtains, or welding screen, around your working area, to prevent people walk past from having their eyes subjected to the high intensity bright light.
Thanks to https://goffscurtainwalls.com/4-more-ways-to-use-your-weld-curtains/
for the use of their image.
Other hazards of welding are getting burned, which is pretty likely to happen at some point. Make sure to wear protective PPE at all time to prevent this from happening. Also be careful to have yourself covered all over, because the UV rays are like sun rays. You will end up with a substantial sun burn effect after a period of time. So cover yourself up well.
Always make sure to have good ventilation around your
working area.
Ensure your working area is shielded off with welding
curtains or shields to prevent arc flashing and protection
for others in the area around you.
Make sure to have the correct fire extinguishers available
before starting work.
Make sure there are no combustible materials within the
welding area.
You must wear the appropriate protective clothing at all
times to prevent ultra violet ray burns, heat exhaustion,
heat burns, welding helmet for eye protection …..
It is recommended to wear a ventilated and filtration welding helmet to prevent inhaling smoke or gases.
This has started becoming a rule in United Kingdom to wear a filtration welding helmet. The welding helmet is completely sealed around your face with a pipe connected on the side running to the filter pack strapped around your waist and positioned on your back.

Welding galvanised steel
Welding galvanised pipe
MIG welding galvanized steel
Be extremely careful when welding galvanised steel. That goes for welding galvanised pipe too. This applies to Arc and MIG welding galvanized steel.
The gasses coming off welding galvanised steel are very toxic. Seek professional advice when looking for the correct gas masks or filters for breathing in galvanised smoke. If you do happen to breath in some galvanised smoke, you will end up coughing a lot, for the next 2 to 3 days. Not pleasant at all.
If you are working on a construction site, then rather hire an exractor fan to get rid of all the smoke in the area.
If you have a welding workshop, or looking at setting up a welding workshop, then look into purchasing a permanent extractor fan.
As a temporaray measure:
We have learned to take 3 to 4 deep breaths before starting to weld. Then hold your breath, slowly exhaling until you can’t hold out any longer. Put everything down and walk away to get some fresh air. This slows down your progress welding galvanised steel, but your health is more important.
How to reduce the gas, while welding galvanised steel.
Before you start welding galvanised steel, grind the surface to be welded. As you start grinding, you will notice there are no sparks, because galvanizing is a zinc coating, which is a non ferous metal, which does not give off sparks when grinding. Keep grinding until you start seeing a few sparks forming. That means you are getting down to the base mild steel material.
Keep on grinding until you get a constant stream of sparks coming from the grinder which means, you have ground through the layer of zink, galvanized coating.
Keep grinding, until you see the material change colour from a silver to a light grey colour, which will be the mild steel surface.
You need to be cautious, because you will still find galvanizing smoke coming off the weld but not nearly as much. The galvanizing process penetrates slightly into the material, so you might still find a small amount of galvanising smoke coming off.
Just please be extra careful.
Make sure your equipment is in good working order with
no exposed loose wires or defective equipment.
Do not work in wet conditions.
Wear the appropriate PPE. (Personal Protective Equipment)
It is standard practice to use 110-volt welding equipment on construction sites.
It is however acceptable to use an RCD protector on a
240-volt electrical supply.

Check with the site supervisor first.
Always have at least 2 fire extinguishers nearby. Also check the expiration date on the fire extinguishers. Choosing the correct fire extinguisher for the application and for your surroundings.

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Here is some free information to get you started:
1. Weld in 1 Day introduction.
2. Arc Eys - H&S
3. Stick welding vs Mig welding
4. Welder Shielding Gas
5. Best Beginner Welder + Preparation
6. Best Welders for Beginners
7. MIG and Arc Setup
Cracked motorcycle crankcase repairs
Welding course material.
8. Weave straight line welding.
9. How to MIG weld successfully.
10. How to Arc weld successfully.
11. How to vertical up weld. MIG & Arc.

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